What a HEATING TUNE UP Can Do For Your System?

One of South Texas perks has been the mild winters that are commonly known for these parts. With the cold weather starting at times way into November. Some homeowners have asked since South Texas doesn’t experience long winters, is a Heating Tune-up necessary?

Aside from calibrating your thermostat and cleaning off the electrical components of your system, there are a few differences from the springtime tune-up that customers should be aware of. That can provide you with a bit more information to make the best decisions for your home.

Some of the main reasons to get a Heating Tune-up:

  • Checking gas valve and flame sensors

Having a professional technician review the pressures of your system and ensure that it is operating correctly will give you peace of mind to use your system during cold winter nights. When pilots lite for the first time of the season, there may be a smell of dust burning off the heating elements which should go away after a few minutes.

In some cases, the smell could be a sign of a much deeper issue. Ensuring that the pilot light and its components are working properly is important to ensure that the system heats your home when you need it most.

  • Check filter and airflow

Filters are extremely important at every visit. Having a dirty filter or improper airflow can cause your system to not function efficiently. During the wintertime, many owners and their furry friends tend to stay home more often. Depending on how you spend your time at home can affect the indoor air quality.

Pet hair, chimney smoke, chemical scents, candle soot, and harsh cleaning supplies can all add pollutants to the home and reduce the air quality of your environment. Proper airflow and clean filters will help keep the indoor air quality cleaner by trapping those pollutants.

  • Vacuum port to Inducer motor and test pressure switches

The inducer motor is responsible for the quality of air moving through the heat exchange. Allowing your system to vent remaining carbon monoxide gas that was leftover from the previous cycle to the outside of the home. A faulty motor, power source, or clogged vent can cause your gas valve from opening and the system to operate correctly. Causing noises, error codes, and faulty startups.

Apart from the above, a Heater tune up also includes coil testing care and refrigerant pressures and level checks. Combined with inspection of fan motors, and fan blades, a tune up can help your system maintain its working condition and reduce extra costs on your energy bill from malfunctioning components to your system.

Heating Tune Up

Few holiday tips to keeping your air cleaner indoors:

  • Dust off all your holiday decorations outside of the home before decorating for the holidays. (Decorations stored in dusty attics or garages can carry dust and dander that gets released into the air as they move about the home)

  • Although scented candles can add ambiance to the home during the holidays. Scented candles will also add air pollution to the air in your home. As these candles burn, they release VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) into the air.

  • Seasonal plants and trees during the holidays can add additional pollutants to the air including mold spores. If not properly treated before coming into the home, some trees can add pollen and dust particles into the air and can cause harmful health issues for sensitive demographics.

Checking for leaks and refrigerant levels will ensure your AC is running at peak performance. At Air Zone Heating and Air Conditioning LLC, we offer quality HVAC service performed by an experienced staff of trained technicians at competitive prices. Offering great deals on installations, repairs, estimates, and maintenance service for central Air Conditioners and Heaters of all brands and models.

Ask us about our AC maintenance plans which provide low-cost seasonal tune-ups to ensure your Air Conditioner is performing at the absolute best. Located in Buda, Texas, and servicing all Austin and Surrounding Areas, we look forward to the opportunity to provide great quality Air Conditioners and Heating services. Contact us online at www.airzoneservices.com or call us at (512)-917-0384 for further assistance.